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A Multiple Sclerosis diagnosis is life changing, and learning to live with this condition isn’t easy. While medications help, many people are looking for other things they can do to reduce symptoms even more. That’s where physical therapy comes in! PT can help reduce many of the most common symptoms of MS. Here are just a few ways PT can help you manage your symptoms:

Numbness and Tingling

Many people with MS notice numbness or tingling in their hands or feet. PT strengthens muscles and dilates blood vessels through exercise, which can reduce numbness and tingling. 

Cognitive Dysfunction

Living with a chronic disease can come with many emotions. Because of this, many people with chronic diseases also struggle with depression. MS can damage parts of the brain that help control your emotions. Damage to this area can lead to a chemical imbalance that causes depression.
When you exercise, your brain releases endorphins. Endorphins can work as a natural mood booster and pain reliever. After a few weeks of exercising regularly, you may notice your mood is better than before!


Believe it or not, regular physical activity can help reduce fatigue. Exercise releases endorphins, which can give you an energy boost to get through the day. Exercise can also regulate your sleep schedule, leaving you more refreshed during the day.


Believe it or not, regular physical activity can help reduce fatigue. Exercise releases endorphins, which can give you an energy boost to get through the day. Exercise can also regulate your sleep schedule, leaving you more refreshed during the day.

Muscle Spasms

Not only are muscle spasms painful, but they can stop you from doing the things you love. A PT uses hands-on treatment and exercise programs to increase your flexibility and decrease muscle spasms. 


A PT will create a unique plan to help increase your strength and balance. At your first visit, they will talk to you about your goals and concerns. After this, they will create an unique plan to help reach your specific goals.

Difficulty Walking

Physical therapists are gait specialists. If you are having difficulty walking, a PT will be able to help identify the issues and create a plan to properly address your issues.


PT can work on more than your muscles! PTs that use Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy can reduce dizziness from MS.

Bladder and Bowel Dysfunction

If you have a hard time controlling your bladder or bowel, PT can help! Pelvic floor PTs can help strengthen the muscles that control your bladder and bowels. Working with a pelvic floor PT will decrease symptoms of incontinence or bowel dysfunction.

Balance and Coordination Issues

PTs use specific techniques to improve your brain-eye coordination. They also create training programs to help improve your balance. Studies show that PT can reduce your risk of falling.


Final Notes

MS looks different in everyone. Working with a PT to help treat your symptoms is crucial to managing your MS. Adding a PT to your care team will make it easier to manage your MS and get back to doing the things you love most.