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Believe it or not, 60% of falls occur within the home. Last year, over 3 million older adults in the United States reported injuries from a fall. While worrisome, there are many ways to reduce your risk of falling in your house!

Here are our top 10 tips for making your house safer:

1. Declutter

From dog toys to laundry baskets to electrical wires, we’re all guilty of leaving a few things laying out here and there. Unfortunately, extra clutter means more chances to trip. By removing unneeded clutter from the floors (especially in high traffic areas), you’re giving yourself a safe and clear walking path.

2. Remove or Tape Down Rugs

Rugs can be a great way to bring a room together, but the unsecured corners are a tripping hazard. You can either remove rugs from your home, or invest in a method of securing them to the ground. Anti-slip pads and double-sided rug tape are both great ways to secure your rugs to the floor.

3. Evaluate Your Stairs

Stairs are another common place for falling. Install railings along your stairs (both indoor and outdoor) that you can grab onto to prevent falls. If you already have railings, inspect them annually to ensure they are still fully secured. You should also check any stairs in and around your home to make sure no steps are broken. Both loose railings and broken steps can lead to falls, so an annual check is a great way to keep your home safe!

4. Add Grab Bars in the Bathroom

Slippery bathroom floors are a fall risk for anyone, but especially older adults. Installing grab bars in your bathroom will give you the balance to prevent falls and get in and out of the shower with ease.

5. Place Non-Skid Mats in Slippery Areas

Speaking of bathrooms, laying down (and securing) non-skid mats or carpet rugs outside your tub can also reduce the risk of falling. Instead of dragging the excess water from your shower around the bathroom (and the rest of the house!), adding a rug outside your shower or tub will help prevent slippery floors.

6. Keep Your House Well-Lit

Being able to see where you are walking is a must for preventing falls! Keep your house well-lit via natural light or overhead lighting during the day. At night, keep your overhead lights on until you are done in that room for the day. Adding a nightlight in your bedroom and hallway can prevent falls if you need to get up during the night. If nightlights aren’t your thing, keeping a flashlight on your nightstand would work just as well!

7. Make a Bedside Kit

Many falls occur during the night or when getting out of bed. For this reason, it’s a good idea to make a “bedside kit” to be prepared if you do fall. Always have a flashlight near your bed in case of a power outage. It’s also good to keep a landline or charged cell phone nearby to call someone if you fall and are unable to get up. Bring anything you may need throughout the night, such as water or medications, to bed with you. This way, you are less likely to need to get out of bed at night and reducing your risk of falling.

8. Make Kitchenware Easy to Reach

If you haven’t reorganized your kitchen in a while, now may be the time! Make a list of your most commonly used kitchen ware, including your go-to pots, pans, plates, cups, and silverware. These items should be in your easiest to reach cabinets. By doing this, you’re not having to compromise your balance by constantly trying to reach for that top shelf!

9. Keep Items You Use at Waist Level

Items you’re constantly grabbing for, such as TV remotes, books, laptops, or that scarf you’ve been working on should be kept somewhere easy to access. Side tables that sit at waist level are the perfect place to store your go-to objects. Without having to reach up high or bend over to get to your favorite hobbies, you’ll have more time to enjoy your day and spend less time worrying about falling!

10. Invest in a Reach Stick

In a perfect world, you’d be able to keep everything you need in a perfect place for you to grab-and-go. Unfortunately, most of us don’t have the room to keep everything at waist level, and will have to keep some things out-of-reach. A reach stick is the perfect solution for this issue! A reach stick gives you access to high up shelves without having to get on a step-stool or chair.



Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (n.d.). WISQARS leading causes of nonfatal injury. Leading Causes of Non-Fatal Injury.