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Our Mission:

To Serve the Community and Change Lives With Physical Therapy

Our Specialties:

Back and Neck Pain

We have multiple tools to address both acute and chronic spine pain including McKenzie Diagnosis and Treatment, Mulligan Concept, myofascial release, and biomechanical assessment. Many of our patients are able to avoid invasive procedures after physical therapy treatment. During your evaluation for a spinal condition, the physical therapist will look at how your neck or back moves and the effect of movement on your symptoms. He or she will assess what part your nerves have in your symptoms and examine the joints of the spine and the surrounding muscles and connective tissue. You will be asked questions about how your symptoms behave and given an exercise or exercises to perform and monitor your response to at home.

Chronic Pain

Our clinical staff continually seeks out treatment methods to build upon the techniques we use to successfully treat chronic pain including pain related to fibromyalgia and lasting pain from traumatic accidents. There are many reasons a person may be in a chronic pain state. The pain you are experiencing may not be something you “have to deal with”, physical therapy can help manage your symptoms. During your evaluation for chronic pain, the physical therapist will ask you detailed questions about the nature of your pain. He or she will examine the affected areas and perform tests that will help determine the underlying cause of your pain. You will be given instruction on what to do at home and asked to monitor your symptoms to report back at your follow up visit.


Vertigo can have root causes that can be addressed with physical therapy intervention. During your evaluation for vertigo, the physical therapist will ask you questions about the nature of your symptoms including duration and triggers. He or she will examine your neck including how well the joints of spine move, the muscles, the connective tissue, and if you have any signs that would indicate the nerves in the neck as part of the problem. You will also be assessed for the effect of various positions on your symptoms to determine if your have inner ear involvement. You will be given instruction on what to do at home and asked to monitor your symptoms to report back at your follow up visit.

Sports Injuries

We treat athletes of all ages and levels, from AYSO soccer kids to high school athletes and marathon runners to weekend warriors. We understand athletes and the demands the body must meet to excel. During your initial evaluation, the physical therapist will look at the area of your injury, any swelling present, the range of motion of your affected joints, and the tenderness and flexibility of surrounding muscles and connective tissue. You will be asked how your injury occurred as well as what types of activities you wish to return to so your program is specific to your sport. The physical therapist will give you information on managing swelling and exercises to help restore movement to the affected area.

TMJ Dysfunction

Physical therapy can address many of the intrinsic causes of TMJ dysfunction including lack of/abnormal joint motion, muscle and connective tissue tightness, and poor postural habits. During your evaluation for a TMJ problem, the physical therapist will evaluate how your jaw moves, the condition of the surrounding soft tissue, and the potential involvement of nearby physical structures. You will be given an exercise or exercises to perform and monitor your response to at home.

Headaches / Migraines

Often headaches and migraines have root causes that can be addressed with physical therapy intervention. During your evaluation for headaches/migraines, the physical therapist will ask you questions about the nature of your symptoms including duration and triggers. He or she will examine your neck (a frequent source of migraines) including how the joints of the spine move, the muscles, the connective tissue, and if you have any signs that would indicate the nerves in the neck as part of the problem. The therapist may evaluate how well you can move your neck and the effect of repeated movement on your symptoms. You will be given instruction on what to do at home and asked to monitor your symptoms to report back at your follow up visit.

Balance Training / Fall Prevention

Fear of falling has been researched and proven to contribute to an increased fall risk. Balance training is appropriate for those who have fallen in the past as well as those who have poor balance that puts them at an increased risk of falling. During your evaluation for balance and fall risk the physical therapist will measure your strength and flexibility, test your reflexes, perform tests to measure your mobility and ability to balance. He or she will also question you about your daily activities, home life, and hobbies to better create a personalized plan. You will be given exercises to perform at home and information on steps to reduce your fall risk.

Orthopedic Surgeries: Knee, Hip, Shoulder

From total knee replacements to a shoulder scope to back surgery, we are well experienced in post surgery rehabilitation. We utilize hands on techniques to help the affected joint and muscles move freely. We will also guide you through an individualized exercise program to restore full strength and flexibility. During your evaluation post surgery the physical therapist will look at your incision, amount of swelling, affected joints, and surrounding muscles and connective tissue. You will be asked what types of activities you wish to return to so your program is specific to your life. The physical therapist will give you information on managing swelling and exercises to help restore movement to the affected area.

Hands and Wrists

During your evaluation for a hand or wrist condition, the physical therapist will look at how your joints move and the effect of movement on your symptoms. He or she will assess your pain levels, mobility, and function using methods of biomechanical assessment. Our therapists have many ways to treat hand and wrist conditions, with knowledge in Gary Gray chain reaction, Mulligan Concept, and the McKenzie method. You will be asked questions about how your symptoms behave and given an exercise or exercises to perform and monitor your response to at home.


Complete Decongestive Therapy (CDT) is a key tool in the treatment of Lymphedema. Using techniques such as Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD), compression bandaging, wound care and education, Intermittent Pneumatic Compression Therapy (IPC-T) and exercise, your therapist will work with you to maintain decongestion of the affected limbs. The education provided during your visits will help to improve independence in your long term treatment plan.

Munger Physical Therapy interior

Why Munger Physical Therapy?

At Munger Physical Therapy, we take the fear out of physical therapy and make it an enjoyable experience for our patients. Still not convinced? Here are five reasons to choose Munger for your Physical Therapy needs:

  1. We care about our patients.
  2. We are vested in caring for the community.
  3. We are experienced.
  4. We don’t give up.
  5. We hold post graduate certifications in the McKenzie Method and the Mulligan Concept.
physical therapy

Three Locations to Serve You

Fort Gratiot

  • Markus Munger, PT Cred. MPT
  • Laura Kinsley, PT, DPT
  • Mary Ann Herrmann, PT, MPT, CLT-LANA
  • Luke Privette, PT, DPT
  • Taylor Johnson PT, DPT
  • Carrie Collins, LPTA
  • Jessica Alessandri, LPTA
  • Lindsey Lowe, LPTA
  • Rachel Lauwers, LPTA
  • Chris Davis, LMT

Clinton Township

  • Jim Achatz, PT, MPT, CMP, CIDN, Cred. MDT
  • Julie Noble, MPT
  • Anne Leverenz, LPTA


  • Tom Dubay PT, DPT
  • Madison O’Neill, LPTA
  • Michelle Bukowski, LPTA

Since 2008, Munger Physical Therapy has worked to improve the lives of those in our community through physical therapy. With locations in Fort Gratiot, Clinton Township, and Marysville, we treat a wide variety of symptoms. Let our educated specialists help you live a pain free life.


Three Locations to Serve You

Fort Gratiot

4351 24th Avenue Suite 5
Fort Gratiot, Ml 48059


Hours of Operation

Monday: 7:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Tuesday: 7:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Wednesday: 7:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Thursday: 7:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Friday: 7:00 AM – 1:00 PM

Clinton Township

44925 Morley Dr
Clinton Township, MI 48036


Hours of Operation

Monday: 7:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Tuesday: 7:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Thursday: 7:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM


782 Huron Blvd
Unit 4, Marysville, MI 48040


Hours of Operation

Monday: 7:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Tuesday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday: 7:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Friday: 7:00 AM – 1:00 PM

Fort Gratiot

4351 24th Ave #5, Fort Gratiot Twp, MI 48059, USA

Clinton Township

44925 Morley Dr, Clinton Twp, MI 48036, USA


782 Huron Blvd unit 4, Marysville, MI 48040, USA